Out! Come Out! Who ever you are!"
are guiltless and sinless here at the Bi Men Network. There is no sin
or no guilt for you here! We leave all needless and useless rantings and
ravings about "sin" and "guilt" to others out
there! Here you are loved and accepted for who and what you are NOW and
who and what you will become! Your freedom, your liberty of sexual choice
and sexual expression is your personal option and an inherent right in
this life. For some of us here bisexuality IS a world-class destination!
For others, it is a bridge, a stopping-off point or a cozy inn along the
way through life. Whatever! It is ALL good here. Human sexuality is a
fluid and changeable thing in one's life.
Your sexuality here is "proof of life" to us! Proof that
you are loving and giving of yourself to others. Proof or your growing
evolution and your growth in self-discovery and self-realization. You
are just becoming more and more who you ARE, what your ARE, and
who and what you are meant to be. "COME OUT! COME OUT! WHOEVER
YOU ARE!" Just give it time friend. Become YOURSELF, the BEST
you, and the REAL you!
Here at Bi Men Network you will find love and understanding, care and
concern, and genuine acceptance.
The Bi Men Network for almost twenty years now has been a safe haven and
a home away from home for
all our men worldwide. Leave behind - out there - the fear and loathing,
the hostility and rejection, and the
hopelessness and despair. Let there be light! Let yourself shine! BE YOU!
We ask only that you not coerce or force sex on anyone nor engage in sex
with anyone under the age of
legal consent. We also ask that you try to honor your commitments to loved
ones and family as best you
can. Simply - love one another and do unto others as you would have
them do unto you.
is no guilt nor sin here at the Bi Men Network. No judgmentalism either.
So be yourself. Become your best self. Be and become what you ARE
and what you are meant to be. You have our love, acceptance, understanding,
care and support. So - Be Bi! Be Happy! Be gay, be happy! Be straight,
be happy! Welcome to the Bi Men Life and to Bi Sexual Freedom! You are
not alone!
Best Wishes,
all likelihood there is no person living today who has
met, known
and observed more happy (and unhappy) bisexual men
on this Earth than Bi Men Founder, Mac McCloud!"
"Be Bi, Be Happy!" or "Be gay and be happy or be straight
and be happy! Just be happy!"
Mac is here to encourage all men in their hot pursuit of life, liberty
and happiness!
posted in a shop in India:
is a challenge
Life is a gift
Life is an adventure
Life is a sorrow
Life is a tragedy
Life is a duty
Life is a game
Life is a mystery
Life is a song
Life is an opportunity
Life is a journey
Life is a promise
Life is a love
Life is a beauty
Life is a spirit
Life is a struggle
Life is a puzzle
Life is a goal
accept it
overcome it
face it
perform it
play it
unfold it
sing it
take it
complete it
fulfill it
embrace it
praise it
realize it
fight it
solve it
achieve it